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SEO | Google Adwords | Retargeting | Web Design

Bruce Anderson

I have been involved in SEO myself for a few years now so I know SEO talent when I see it. Tom at Green Genie is one of the best in Toronto if not in Canada. The REAL value he added has been to my coaching and workshop business. His guidance and direction have moved me to the top of several ratings.

Bruce Anderson

Russel Volz ( Lake City Coffee )

Tom and his team at Green Genie SEO is the best digital marketing company that I’ve ever worked with and I’ve worked with quite a few. I especially liked Tom’s videos of my website and what he’s finding and his suggestions. The proof is in the pudding. We’re ranking better and fast since Tom’s involvement than all the years previously. I’ll definitely keep using Green Genie SEO.

Lake City Coffee

Steve Holliday

Despite some difficult setbacks with some technical issues with my website, Tom was able to get me some top rankings for national and local keyword searches. Great job.

Steve Holliday

Mike Wiseman

I normally don’t give out testimonials but in this case, I make an exception. This guy is amazing

Mike Wiseman

Brian Rutherford

368 Durham Web Design SEO pic

Bringing Green Genie onboard with my business is the best decision I have made since I started in web design. The services they provided for clients is outstanding and Green Genie always delivers the best results!

Brian Rutherford

Your Task Is to Choose a Toronto SEO Company?

Hi and welcome to the Green Genie SEO website. Your trusted Toronto SEO! Thank you for taking the time to visit.

I am going to assume that you are a business owner.

Listen, I don’t envy the position you are in right now if you have come here in the attempt to find someone to handle your online marketing.

It has to be a very difficult task to sort through all the options available to you when you start out to get the job done!

All of the digital marketing websites you could visit generally say the same thing and how are you supposed to be able to discern which one of us has the skills necessary to take your business where it needs to be in the coming years.

Tough choice.

Honestly, my advice…….pick up the phone and talk to myself and several of my competitors and ask lots of questions. Here….. go ahead and call me 905-233-2488. There will be no pressure, I promise.

I believe that you will make a far more informed decision if you actually listen to what a number of people who practice this craft say and look at their proposals then you ever will reading what we have to say in the body of our website content.

Half of the reason for that is because a good portion of the content on search engine optimization websites was written to try to impress "Googlebot." That's the "Bot" or scanner that moves around the web and scans your site to retrieve information.


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Choose An Toronto SEO agency. Don’t wait another year because of choice paralysis!


You really don’t have a choice going forward as to whether or not you are going to pursue digital marketing. I really mean that! Are there exceptions? Yes. But not many.

For most businesses, you will either make the choice to embrace digital marketing, or you will not survive your competition who does make that choice. Those who make that choice early also have a distinct advantage. Once their position is established in the search engine results it makes getting above them even more difficult. It’s just the way Google works. A top position in the search results plays by a different set of rules once established.  It takes less work to get there then it does to remove someone once they have arrived.

Make a decision and choose someone to hire within the next 30 days. Go ahead….do it….you will eventually kick yourself if you don’t. Don’t be the person 10 years from now, that wishes they could go back and reason with the person you are now and talk some sense into yourself.

There really aren’t any absolutely wrong decisions in choosing a digital marketing company other than some common sense due-diligence factors I have previously mentioned. Even if the 1st company that you choose does not get you 100% of the way to the goal line, they will build a base upon which the next choice of the SEO company you work with can build upon. You have to do this eventually so stop procrastinating and choose!

If you think I am wrong, ponder this question…… Would you rather be right…….or successful?

Those who choose wisely now will be the future business leaders in their industry!

Trust me when I make these bold statements about Digital Marketing

1) TV, as you know it….is going away!

2) Newspapers….as they once existed are done!

3) Print advertising will be looked upon as an environmental no-no in 10 years just based on the amount of paper it wastes! ( Clue….the Toronto Star weighs half what it did 20 years ago!)

Ponder that for a while and call me  905-233-2488


Here are a couple of things to consider in finalizing your decision of a Toronto SEO Expert or Consultant

For Local SEO Toronto

1) Choose a Search Engine Marketing company that will let you talk to a few previous clients. I will provide that for you. Make sure others will too!

2) Don’t let a company whose flagship product is web design do your Toronto SEO or any other digital marketing. They may be competent but there is a very good chance they have diluted their talent pool to try to be good at both and that is not a good idea with the level of competition that exists in this marketplace today.

3) Don’t choose from a series of “SEO packages” with fixed prices. If the proposals you receive are not customized, then the people making those proposals do not know what they are doing. Guaranteed!!!

At the very least, a fixed price proposal for digital marketing suggests that the company has no intention of wanting to get to know your business intimately, which could mean the difference between success and failure.

4) Don’t buy Search Engine Optimization based on “best price”. Likely, the best option will be one of the choices in the upper middle range of the offers. If you cannot afford to do it right at a cost that will be sufficient to move the needle now, then wait until you are ready and do it correctly from the start. No point in doing this half-assed!

How Much Should SEO Cost in Toronto?

Here are a couple of examples of reasonable prices for a monthly Toronto SEO campaign in Toronto by industry.

Local SEO Prices

  1. – Personal injury lawyer SEO    $7,000 – $20,000 per month depending on the range of add-on services.
  2. – Criminal lawyer SEO  $4,000 – $8,000     
  3. – Web design SEO $3,000 – $7,000     
  4. – HVAC or Plumber SEO  $4,000 – $10,000    
  5. – Landscaper  SEO $4,000 – $7,000     
  6. – Duct Cleaning SEO  $2,500 – $5,000     
  7. – Dentist  SEO $ 4,000 – $7,000  “   

Think that these numbers sound outrageous? Watch this video where I breakdown the real value of these numbers and be shocked at how affordable they are from a “Return On Investment “ stance. To the right >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Toronto SEO

Here are some other services we provide as a Toronto Digital Marketing Expert


Reputation Management Toronto

OK. So why should digital marketing be the way to go in 2019?

– The most important reason is simple. This is where the public is searching for products, services, and answers to problems now. That’s it! I could stop right here and leave it at that. This should be enough reason to pause and take note. It is just so much easier and faster to find what we want by picking up a cell phone and asking it a question than to do so in any other way or by any other medium. Period. And with the advent of things like Google Voice this trend is only going to grow and not shrink.

-There is power in ” intent”. There is a difference between “pushing” an advertising message out to the public and “pulling” in those who are willing, ready and able to buy now! When someone does an online search for a product or service they are far more ready to buy than someone sitting in front of a TV, listening to the radio, or reading the newspaper.
Is there a place for “push” advertising? Sure. But digital marketing can do that better than the aforementioned types of advertising anyway. Why……for the reason I stated in the first paragraph. That’s where people are looking now.

-People spend their time on Facebook, Youtube, and other social media outlets now more than ever. And they can be reached there just as easily and cost-effectively by a small to medium-sized business as they can by the larger businesses that you may see advertising there now if you take the time to look and see what is going on in those places. pay attention to your Facebook news feed next time you are there and look at the cleverly disguised advertising going on marked as ” sponsored posts”. In many cases, these posts look just like any other post in the news feed but many of them are ads. And they work.

-Look at the top of your search results when you do a Google search and notice how many of the top results are actually ads. Yep…..these are your competitors eating your lunch while you are digging in your heals paying too much money for outdated methods of advertising.

-Depending on your situation a $500- $1000 ad budget per month could be revolutionary to you business success if you will only have the courage to take the first step and simply try it for 90 days. If you are already spending money on some type of marketing then I don’t have to convince you to start advertising. I only have to persuade you to repurpose some or all of those dollars to a better cause. Right?  If you are not spending money on advertising then how do you expect to establish a predictable method for business growth?

  • So…..one more time……I implore you to pick up the phone and call me. 905-233-2488 
  • At the end of the conversation, it is going to be your choice. But shouldn’t you at least know how much money you are leaving on the table before you say no?
  • I look forward to hearing about your business goals and ultimately helping you achieve them.
  • Tom Gustar – Green Genie SEO Toronto

90% of clicks to websites are from Google page 1 results.