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search engine marketing

Get The GreenTHE 3 RULES OF MONEY ( In our humble opinion )

1) It’s better to have it than not have it.

2) It’s better to have more of it than less of it.

3) It’s better to have it sooner than later.

Granted, this may seem a bit obvious BUT !!!!!
Human nature is a strange thing. We find that, while people on the surface, may say they want money, they unconsciously sabotage their ability to receive more of it by engaging in habitual activities in their business that are counterproductive to success.
One way this occurs is a refusal to change marketing tactics as time and technology change.
Some people have 30 years experience…some have one year repeated 30 times.
The landscape of marketing is now digital. That is not in dispute. Where we stand in that landscape is determine by our willingness to embrace new technological innovations, even though we may not fully understand them.
We don’t necessarily need to know how a combustion engine works, but we should know which car we want!
That being said , we like our clients to be informed enough to have a working knowledge deep enough to appreciate what we do for their bottom line.

What is it that we do ?

 We get you noticed.  What does it matter what you have to say or how elegant you appear on your web page if no-one ever sees you.

This seems obvious but It is amazing how many business people put their trust in creative people to do their marketing for them.

What often results is an attempt to win a “Clio Award ” instead of what should be happening with your marketing which is to first and foremost GET NOTICED !!!

Much of the marketing wisdom that is taught is nothing more than fanciful theory taught by Ivy League autocrats who have never owned a business and had to fight it out in the trenches to compete for a place in the market.

Don’t listen to them. Especially in the digital age.

Take this advice….. GET NOTICED !


“Get The Green