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This is a typical “Scope of Work” list I perform as a generic base on all sites. Click here to view

In your particular situation, I see the solution as follows

  1. Brand new site with no domain age.
  2. No links
  3. No citations
  4. Some sense of urgency about getting exposure due to current crisis

Positive notes

A great domain name for the purpose.

Solutions and course of action

  • Build 200-300 “foundational links “
  • Build out local Citations
  • Immediately begin building some links with more power from my outreach sources.
  • Link speed should be 5-8 links per month depending on the budget we agree upon.


  • I will track up to 40 keywords depending on the budget.
  • Tracking of keywords will be provided to you from Pro Rank Tracker software via an automated report. You may choose daily, weekly or monthly reporting.
  • We will mark up specific data on the site through Google Tag Manager and track a number of different “Events” in Google Analytics. ( Which events……to be determined as I get more familiar with the site’s inner workings. Some examples of tracked items will be clickable phone numbers, clickable emails, PDF downloads if applicable.
  • I will set up a portal for you to be able to log in a see this data any time you want. ( Month 2) Of course, you can also look at Google Analytics as well.
  • I have found that one way I like to do reporting is when we hit a “milestone”. I most often do these at random when I find a positive event and they are usually done as a short video walkthrough. ( It’s a bit more novel than the usual boring charts and graphs)

Suggested action plan and budget


1) Google Pay Per Click

$1000 per month with management fee in ( $600 ad spend + $400 management fee )


2) Facebook Pay Per Click

$1000 per month with management fee in ( $600 ad spend + $400 management fee )

3) SEO @ $750 per month for 12 months.

$1000 per month if not in combination with both PPC campaigns.